T4C has been an important part of my college
experience. Transitioning away from home to college puts a lot of
responsibility on us students- the biggest and most important responsibility
being for our own spiritual life. Amidst a campus where priorities typically
lie in immediate gratification for one’s self, in the form of so many actions
that get us caught in the world, T4C and the Central congregation are my
beacon, haven, and home where God is prioritized above all others. There are
two primary aspects that enforce this, which I will briefly discuss here.
First of all, T4C is a family. There are many
verses in the New Testament that describe the body of Christ, and I believe
that T4C is an excellent, tangible example. Most of us would have never met in
the vast student body of UA, but through T4C, we have found acquaintances who
have become friends who have become family, united through Christ and now doing
so many great things. I have reached deeper levels of trust and accountability
with brothers and sisters at T4C than anywhere else; I can always depend on my
brothers and sisters for any need; I met my current roommates at T4C; we are
doing so much more than going to school together- we are doing life together,
as should the church.
Secondly, T4C is a land of opportunity. The
topics we tackle in class reach so much deeper than any high school class. We
are challenged to study ourselves, find answers, and act according to what God
has asked of us in the Bible, where we should always look for guidance. Additionally,
there are so many occasions for us to serve. This might take fruition in
leading a devotional thought one night; maybe it’s leading songs; perhaps
there’s an opportunity for us to serve in the community; it may be as simple as
helping set up for an event; among these and many others, there are more than
ample opportunities for anyone of any skill set to serve. Further still, these
opportunities exist within the Central congregation as a whole. What an open,
loving church. So many families open their homes and hearts willingly. I have
found great joy in spending time with different families here, from eating
meals together to watching rec baseball.
Another opportunity I’ve been blessed with is to
serve as Community Service Officer for T4C beginning this fall. We, the officer
team, are excited for what the coming semester has in store, starting with ‘Get
Tide In’ week, and continuing with many opportunities for fellowship in the
weeks to follow. From our Monday night devotionals to intramurals, I can’t wait
to continue growing with my brothers and sisters in Christ. In addition, myself
and Jack, fellow Community Service Officer, will be working to bring chances of
service to T4C throughout the year. Thank you for reading, and as always, Roll
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