Being able to have Central Church of Christ and Tide4Christ in my life throughout college has been a true blessing: the relationships I have made and the opportunities I have been given have been a huge help in both my studies and my walk with God. I am grateful to now be able to serve as vice president and take on a bigger role in the family that has helped me so much. Now I hope to pass on some of the things I have learned during my time at UA in the hopes that it will help others in the same way it helped me. Possibly the biggest challenge new Christian college students face is being able to keep God at the forefront of their minds when so many things are changing all of the sudden, and this year especially—having to worry about a pandemic and taking the correct precautions—both new students and upperclassmen will need to work extra hard to not forget about their Christian walks throughout their day to day. There are ways to help keep focus, though, and I will discuss some of those here, including both personal practices we can do and how Tide4Christ helps.
First and foremost, there is no way for us to keep our minds focused on God if we don’t devote time to him to study his word, talk to him, and fellowship with other Christians (either virtually or socially distanced, of course). If we do not get the basics right, we cannot expect to get the difficult things right either. Even the basics get hard though, especially during the pandemic, and that is where we get into more specific tips. First, find ways to set reminders for yourself, both to do activities devoted to God and to just keep him in mind. In terms of activities, setting phone reminders is a great tool. The Bible app has some great premade daily study plans with daily reminders that have been helpful for me as of late. For just keeping God in mind, there are things such as putting post it notes around your room or setting your phone background to a helpful bible verse—small things to remind you when you see them in passing. Second, reach out to other people to find ways to help each other. Find ways to help keep each other accountable. Do things together such as Bible studies, praying with each other, or just hang out in what you know will be a Christian environment. Find ways to make time in your day for activities that renew your focus on God.
Tide4Christ is a great help when trying to keep focus on God because in addition to having constant activities to help us keep God in mind, T4C is filled with fellow Christians in the same stage of life who are ready and willing to help each other in their daily walk with God. We have Devos, Bible classes, game and movie nights, and many other events where we can have fun and fellowship in a Christian environment. We also have the T4C student center where there are almost always people hanging out or studying with fellow Christians. Being at UA would be significantly harder for me if I did not have T4C in my life to help me out, and I am glad God has blessed me with this great big family.
I am glad to be able to serve as Vice-President and continue to help an organization that has helped me so much. I am excited for this new school year, and I cannot wait to see what God has in store for me and for T4C.
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