He must increase, but I must decrease.
Read that again, slowly this time. Did it sink in? This verse really impacts my life. Often times I get caught up in the hustle and bustle of a normal college kid. I’m usually stressed trying to juggle class, homework, tests, church, laundry, and a social life, just to name a few. There are days I just feel overwhelmed and think, “How am I supposed to have time to study God’s Word and spend time just talking to Him?” Then I remember John 3:30. He must increase, but in order for that to happen I have to decrease. I have to put His needs above my own. I have to be selfless and trust Him. In all reality, it’s a priority check. Put Him first and things will fall into place.
Being a very “do it myself” kind of person, I have a hard time completely trusting and not worrying. With that being said, I have to remind myself that we are not made to handle this world on our own. We need God! One of my best friend’s from high school shared an analogy with me that I will never forget. Imagine a fence in front of you and on the other side is your life. The catch is that you can only see through this one little tiny hole. You can’t see the big picture; you can’t see everything. God, however, can see it all. He isn’t trapped behind the fence. He made the fence. We aren’t created to always understand things. I know this is sometimes hard to understand, but that’s how things are supposed to be. “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made…” Psalm 139:14.
I find myself struggling with putting my spiritual needs over my worldly needs often, but I have found that allowing John 3:30 to serve as a reminder has helped greatly. I hope that it impacts you in a way that encourages you to make time for God and trust that He will handle the rest.
Mallory Reynolds
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